Sure Enough

Welcome to my search for happiness and sanity in a city that is crazier than I ever imagined.

Whoever said "If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere" wasn't kidding.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Adventures in Real Estate, Part One

Adventures in real estate, Part One Or How far someone will go to see an apartment Tuesday, February 17, 2009 virgo cheryl, A need for company (or to visit a decent apartment) might compel you to spend time with people who have a different view of the world. It could be valuable to have an experience outside of the norm. Compromising your own values could be the result if you are too accommodating. ******************************************* It only took 4 years and 2 months. After suffering the many indignities that the city had to offer, I finally experienced the quintessential NYC week. On Wednesday evening, I met celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay. On Friday afternoon, I saw the cast of Gossip Girl. On Sunday morning, as I participated in a gathering that turned out to be an introduction to Buddhism, I experienced total clarity. I didn’t reach the highest state of enlightenment, or feel the need to chant. I realized that, like it or not, I was now a true New Yorker. I smiled enthusiastically and tried not to laugh. The people at the meeting marveled about how excited and happy I was to be there. Unbeknownst to them, I didn’t give a rat’s ass about Buddhism. I wanted to see the apartment. Shame on me. Had I gone too far? I’m proud to be Jewish, and that will never change. I blame it on the city. Who else but a New Yorker would feign interest in religion solely to gain access to a spectacular, five room, pre war showplace at the Apthorp? The Apthorp has tighter security than the secret service. It is easier to get an audience with the Pope or Queen of England than it is to sneak past the two sets of guards. In my wildest dreams, I never thought I could make it into the (sadly vacant) courtyard, let alone enter a palatial apartment that most people can only hope to get a glimpse of in the movies. Not to mention the cast of characters I met once I got inside. I feel like a cross between Carrie Bradshaw and Seinfeld. The best part is I finally have something to write about. . .


  1. LOL--brilliant post. I can only imagine what it's like... that's one aspect of property hell I haven't experienced, but the London market can be pretty tough too. Glad to have found your blog after we connected on FB!

    1. You have no idea how much I appreciate your comment. You made my day!!!!!!!

  2. Great post! I have a cousin who lives in the City, and I love her stories about it.
